A Message from Patricia Abrams

It is with mixed emotions and a heart brimming with gratitude that I write this farewell note to all of you. After years of dedicated service as the founding Executive Director at The Renaissance Collaborative Inc., (TRC), and an array of fulfilling pursuits throughout my career, I am embarking on a new chapter of my life—RETIREMENT!

Looking back at the journey we’ve shared at TRC, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. When we set out to establish this organization IN 1991, we envisioned a place that would be a beacon of hope, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and fulfill their potential. Together, we have transformed that vision into reality. The impact we’ve made on countless lives is truly remarkable, and it will continue to resonate long after my departure.

During my tenure at TRC, we built a dedicated team of compassionate professionals who are deeply committed to our mission to promote self-sufficiency through an innovative and comprehensive network of supportive housing, employment, and educational services.

Together, we developed innovative programs that have touched the lives of residents and the community we serve. We’ve empowered folks, advocated for inclusivity, and fostered a spirit of resilience that will carry TRC forward into a future of even greater achievements.

Beyond TRC, I have been blessed with opportunities to contribute to numerous other endeavors throughout my career. From collaborating with local nonprofits to championing causes close to my heart, I have witnessed the transformative power of collective environmental action. Each experience has enriched my understanding of the world and reaffirmed my belief in the potential for positive change in underserved communities.

As I embark on this well-deserved retirement, I am excited to finally sit by the lake and relax, spend time with my family, maybe pursue personal passions, and explore uncharted territories. However, I will forever hold a special place in my heart for TRC and the awesome people who have been part of this journey.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each one of you—our staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and the community—for your unwavering support, dedication, and TRUST. I have made a family through TRC, and it is because of your tireless efforts and belief in me that we have achieved what we have today.

While my role as Executive Director may come to an end, my commitment to the values and aspirations we hold dear will endure. I have complete confidence in the capable hands that will continue to lead TRC forward, Oji. The torch is now yours to empower folks and make a continued lasting impact on our beloved Bronzeville community.

With profound appreciation and all my love,

Pat Abrams
Founding Executive Director


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