TRC Resident Hired as TRC Staff

Sean moved into the Renaissance Apartments 5 years ago and has made incredible strides through the TRC programs. He worked in the landscaping training program and asked to be transferred into the janitorial program. He led Narcotics Anonymous meetings at TRC until the Covid-19 pandemic and found full-time outside employment in janitorial services back in 2019 which was one factor in him being awarded the Abrams Apple Award, TRC's highest honor for residents whose progress toward self-sufficiency exemplify the entire mission of TRC.

TRC recently hired Sean to lead maintenance services at Renaissance Apartments. He has already been an invaluable addition to the staff as he doesn't hold back in lending his unique perspective as a current resident.

Sean plans to eventually run his own company but for now we are glad to have him on the team!


Who Are We in a Gentrifying Community?


Interview w/ Award Honoree LaShaun “Sah” Jackson